Iris Catalogue
An exhaustive collection of Irises exhibited by NEMMIG.
Black Olive
‘Black Olive’ ( Paul Black, R. 2013) Seedling #R278E. MDB, 7.5 (19 cm). Late bloom and rebloom. Standards bronze-dark-purple, purple-black midrib and textured veins; style arms mid blue-purple crests and midribs, rose-silver edge; falls red-black, hafts slightly lighter, veined white; beards mid greyed gold in throat, light greyed gold in middle, white end. 146. Parentage ‘Fido’ sibling X seedling #P146: ( ‘Wish Upon A Star’ x ‘Bad Intentions’). Mid-America 2013.
Iris Type:
Paul BlackYear Introduced:
2013Bed Location:
3-06RIS Rebloom Zone:
RebloomerHow Obtained:
Donated by Robin Shadlow at Iris Sisters FarmWhen Planted:
2017-08-06Standards Color:
Bronze-dark-purple with purple-black midrib and textured veinsFalls Color:
Red-black, hafts slightly lighter, veined whiteBeards Color:
Mid greyed gold in throat, light greyed gold in middle, white end.Styles - Style Arms:
Style arms mid blue-purple crests and midribs, rose-silver edgeHeight:
Slightly lighter red-black, veined white.Bloom Time:
Late bloom and RebloomBloom Chart 2019:
Blooming at Nemmig on May 21, 2019Notes from NEMMIG:
In bloom May 13, 2021.