Iris Catalogue
An exhaustive collection of Irises exhibited by NEMMIG.
MTB Aachen Elf – (Lois Kennedy, R. 1984). Seedling #845-76-1. MTB, 20″ (51 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards yellow; falls lavender, edged yellow; yellow beard. ‘Topsy Turvy’ X ‘Floridor’. Redstone Nursery 1984. High Commendation 1979, 1981; Honorable Mention 1986; Williamson-White Award 1988.
‘Absolute Joy’ (J. Terry Aitken, R. 2006). Seedling 01M49. SDB, height 10.5” (27 cm), Midseason to very late bloom. Bright pink self, fuchsia purple spot on Falls; beards coral pink. ‘Tiny Titan’ X 94M29: ( ‘Pele’ x unknown). Aitken 2006. Honorable Mention 2008, Award of Merit 2010
‘Acoma’ 1990 (Tom Magee, R. 1987). Seedling 8248. TB, height 30″ (71 cm), Early bloom. Standards pale blue; Falls ivory with light violet plicata pattern on edge; henna beard; ruffled. 8038A: (((Cook 2754 x ‘Claudia Rene’) x ‘Orchid Brocade’) x A. Johnson 70220B: ( ‘After All’ x ‘Moon River’)) X ‘Capricious’. Long’s Garden 1990. Honorable Mention 1992; Award of Merit 1994; Wister Medal 1997.
Reported Rebloom in: CA, MS, NE, WA USDA Zone 4, 8
‘Ahwahnee Princess’ (George Sutton, R. 2003). Seedling P-1-D. SDB, height 12″ (31 cm), Early midseason bloom and rebloom. Standards and style arms rhodonite red (RHS 51D); falls pale orient pink (36D); beards wisteria blue (92B), soft orange in throat; ruffled; slight sweet fragrance. ‘Irish Chant’ X seedling K-5: (‘Auroralita’ x ‘Voyage’). Sutton 2004.
‘Alice Bakke’ (Alta Brown, R. 1974). Seedling #M 1468-4. IB, height 23″ (58 cm), Midseason bloom. Light yellow self; full yellow beard; heavily ruffled. ‘Sunlit Trail’ x ‘Ultrapoise’. Riverdale Iris 1975.
TB Absolute Treasure – (Richard Tasco, R. 2005). Seedling 99-TB-06-01. TB, height 42″ (107 cm), Mid bloom season. Sky blue self, style arms slightly lighter toward back, falls slightly lighter centers; beards white, tipped golden yellow in middle and throat, frosty white at end; heavily ruffled; slight sweet fragrance. ‘Sudden Impact’ X ‘Color Me Blue’. Superstition 2006. Honorable Mention 2008, Award of Merit 2010; Wister Medal 2013.
‘Allah’ (Helen Doriot, R. 1956) Seedling #A23-55. IB (tall X pumila), 15 1/4″, chamaeiris dwarf season. Standards blue-lavender, edges flushed deeper; falls blue-lavender border, spot pattern of brown, purple, yellow, and lavender, appearing parrot-green. ‘Snow Flurry’ X Welch seedling# K 505 pumila. Doriot 1957. Honorable Mention 1957.
note: The Median Iris Society considers this to be a standard dwarf bearded, but no record of the reclassification has been found in the official AIS Registry.
‘Alpine Lake’ 1980 (Dorothy and Anthony Willott, R. 1980). Seedling #78-51. MDB, height 6″ (15 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Standards white, slightly tinted blue; falls light blue (RHS 104D); pale blue beards. Seedling #74-46: (‘Carousel Princess’ x ‘Gunga Din’) X Greenlee seedling #GX-11. Willott 1981. High Commendation 1980; Honorable Mention 1983; 2nd Vienna 1985; Award of Merit 1986; Caparne-Welch Medal 1989.
TB Altruist – ( Schreiner, R. 1987). Seedling T 115-B. TB, 37″ (94 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards flax blue (HCC 6/42), white midrib; Falls flax blue, chalk white center; white beard; ruffled and fluted. L 23-6: (G 125-2 x ‘Victoria Falls’) X ‘Tides In’. Schreiner 1987.
‘Andalusian Blue’ ( Robert Schreiner, R. 1937) IB. Extra early bloom. Color Class-B1L. ‘Sensation’ x ‘Petit Daniel’.Schreiner 1937; Orpington 1939.
NOTE: Although listed in the AIS 1939 Checklist as TB, Andalusian Blue is an IB according to the 1942 Schreiner Iris Lovers catalog.
‘Anna’s Music’ – (Jack Worel, R. 2008) Seedling 0305. TB, 36″ (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards bright raspberry (RHS 74C), slightly darker veins; style arms raspberry, edged tinted light orange; Falls bright raspberry slightly darker than Standards, hafts veined light orange over cream; beards orange, light raspberry at end; slight sweet fragrance. ‘Makin’ Music’ X ‘Anna Lou’. Holly Lane 2008.
‘Argent’ ( John Forbes, R. & I. 1882) TB, Midseason bloom. Color Class-B3M. Forbes 1882, 1938, Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society 53: Pt. 1, 127 January 1928 trials.
IB Ask Alma – (Carol Lankow, R. 1986). Seedling #4B32-7. IB, height 21″ (53 cm), Midseason bloom. Coral orange self; white beard tipped tangerine orange. ‘Pink Pirouette’ X Wright seedling #L56: (Wright seedling #L32: ((‘Pink Cushio’ x ‘Lenna M’) x ‘Amber Shadow’) x ‘Cotton Blossom’). Kirkland Iris, Riverdale Iris 1987. Exhibition Certificate 1986; Honorable Mention 1989; Award of Merit 1991; Sass Medal 1994.
‘Autumn Breeze’ (Michael Sutton, R. 2011, I. 2012) Seedling U-553. TB, 35″ (89 cm). Early, midseason, late bloom and rebloom. Standards and style arms white; Falls white blended and marbled blue; beards yellow, hairs white tipped yellow; pronounced sweet fragrance. R-607: (‘Bold Fashion’ x ‘Lena Baker’) X ‘Conjuration’. Sutton’s, 2012.
‘Autumn Jester’ – (Chuck Chapman, R. 2000). Seedling 92-12-1. SDB, height 13″ (33 cm), Early bloom and rebloom. Purple self; beards purple; taller (22″) on Fall rebloom. ‘Forever Blue’ X ‘What Again’. Chapman 2000.
‘Autumn Queen’ (Hans Peter Sass, 1926). DB, Early bloom and rebloom. Color Class-W1.
Note: Also listed in Sdb web because of height variation: ‘Autumn Queen’.
‘Autumn Rain’ 2008, Sutton (Michael Sutton, R. 2007) Seedling Q-38-AA. TB, 33″ (97 cm). Midseason late bloom and rebloom. Dark violet (RHS 86A) self; beards ice white, pale yellow in throat; pronounced sweet fragrance. ‘Speeding Again’ X ‘Snow Melt’. Sutton 2008.
‘Autumn Riesling’ 2006 (Schreiner, R. 2006) Seedling KK 1242-A. TB, 40″ (102 cm), Midseason late bloom. Standards orange apricot (RHS 24C); Falls orange apricot (21C), yellow at center; beards tangerine. ‘Orange Blossom Special’ X ‘Status Seeker’. Schreiner 2006. Honorable Mention 2009
‘Autumn Ring’ (Michael Sutton, R. 2009, I. 2010). Seedling U-71-D. TB, 32″ (81 cm). Midseason late bloom and rebloom. Standards primrose veined white, slight white edge; Falls white, 1/2″ red-purple, yellow and brown rim; beards white tipped yellow; ruffled; slight spicy fragrance. ‘Bold Vision’ X ‘Mountain Sunrise’. Sutton 2010.
‘Autumn Tryst’ 1993, Weiler ( John Weiler, R. 1993). Seedling 86-118-1RE. TB, 34″ (86 cm), Early midseason bloom and rebloom. Standards white, shot, stippled and edged rosy lavender; Falls white, edged rosy lavender; beards pale yellow; slight sweet fragrance. ‘Lilac Stitchery’ X ‘Earl Of Essex’. Rialto 1993.
‘Autumn Wine’ 2003 ( Vincent Christopherson, R. 2003). Seedling #P4-197SH. BB, height 25″ (64 cm). Midseason bloom and rebloom. Standards and style arms wine red; falls darker velvety wine red, lighter wine red rim; beards mustard, short upturned white horn. ‘Rock Star’ X seedling #FP2: ( ‘Sky Hooks’ x ‘Momentum’). Argyle Acres 2003
TB Avalon Sunset – (Schreiner, R. 1994). Sdlg. DD 833-1. TB, 36″ (91 cm), Midseason late bloom. Ruffled orange (RHS 23A); beards tangerine. ‘Fresno Flash’ X Z 403-A: (S 656-1: (( ‘Pinafore Pink’ x ( ‘Oraglow’ x unknown)) x ( ‘Something Else’ x (G 1212-A: ‘Golden Ice’ x ‘Celestial Glory’) x ‘Flaming Star’) x ‘Gold Trimmings’))) x S 494-C: ( ‘Vanity’ x (G 1292-B: (((N364-1 x ‘Whole Cloth’) x ‘Prairie Clover’) x ‘Distant Chimes’) x ‘Loudoun Charmer’))). Schreiner 1994. Honorable Mention 1996.
SDB Baby Blessed – ( Lloyd Zurbrigg, R. 1979). Seedling K 1 A., R. SDB, height 10″ (25 cm), Early bloom and rebloom (Sept. & Oct. in VA). Light yellow with small white spot on Falls; cream beard. ‘Baby Snowflake’ X ‘Twice Blessed’. Avonbank 1979. Honorable Mention 1981; Award of Merit 1986; Cook-Douglas Medal 1989.
‘Bamboozle’ (Paul Black, R. 2007). Seedling K339A. SDB, height 12″ (30 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards warm buff pink heavily infused orchid in center; style arms medium coral pink; falls buff pink, white area around beard, dark brown haft veins, dark orchid plicata band narrower at distal edge, narrow mauve rim, variable plicata marking over center; beards white tipped bright orange; feathered and serrated edges; pronounced sweet fragrance. ‘Stormy Circle’ X Seedling H289BB: (seedling D144B: (‘Tweety Bird’ x ‘Hot Jazz’) x ‘Voices’). Mid-America 2007.
‘Barbara’s Kiss’ – 1982 McCown, (Eleanor McCown, R. 1981) Seedling #75-15. SPU, 54″ (137 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards violet (RHC 1 Opb 4/10) lightly streaked pale yellow; falls strong violet bordering orange yellow signal, veined brownish purple; ruffled. ‘Arbitrator’ X ‘Imperial Beauty’. Cordon Bleu 1982. Honorable Mention 1984.
‘Beetlejuice’ – (Paul Black, R. 2013) Seedling #Q80F. MDB, 7.5 (19 cm). Early to midseason bloom and rebloom. Standards pale buff-pink, mid red-violet plicata stitched edge, random dotting over center, dark purple-black midrib; style arms red-grape crest and midrib, light rose edge; falls buff-cream, widely spaced purple-black eye lash lines along beards extending 3/4 way down falls, grape sanding on outer edge of haft; beards red-orange in throat, mid-orange in middle, white ends, hairs based white; slight sweet fragrance. ‘Chart’ X ‘Kaching’. Mid-America 2013. Honorable Mention 2015, Award Of Merit 2017.
TB Before The Storm – (Sterling Innerst, R. 1988). Seedling 2333-10. TB, height 36″ (91 cm), midseason bloom. Black; black beard tipped bronze; slight fragrance. ‘Superstition’ X ‘Raven’s Roost’. Innerst 1989. Honorable Mention 1991; Award of Merit 1993; President’s Cup 1995; Wister Medal 1995; American Dykes Medal 1996.
‘Beowulf’ (Robert Schreiner, R. 1935, I.1936) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class-S7L. Schreiner 1936.
‘Best Bet’ 1988 (Schreiner, R. 1988). Seedling# T 399-D. TB, 36″ (91 cm), Early bloom and rebloom. Standards light wisteria blue (HCC 640/3); falls moorish blue (739); old gold beard; lightly ruffled. Seedling#M 1085-A: ((‘Amigos Guitar’ x seedling# A 828-A) x ‘Navy Strut’ x seedling# G 119-1, ‘Royal Regency’ sibling)) X ‘Titan’s Glory’. Schreiner 1988.
‘Black Gamecock’ (Frank Chowning, R. 1978, I. 1980). Seedling FC77-12. LA, 24″ (61 cm), Late bloom. Blue-black (RHS 103A) self; narrow gold line signal. Unknown parentage. Melrose Gardens 1980. Honorable Mention 1982; Award of Merit 1986; DeBaillon Medal 1989.
‘Black Olive’ ( Paul Black, R. 2013) Seedling #R278E. MDB, 7.5 (19 cm). Late bloom and rebloom. Standards bronze-dark-purple, purple-black midrib and textured veins; style arms mid blue-purple crests and midribs, rose-silver edge; falls red-black, hafts slightly lighter, veined white; beards mid greyed gold in throat, light greyed gold in middle, white end. 146. Parentage ‘Fido’ sibling X seedling #P146: ( ‘Wish Upon A Star’ x ‘Bad Intentions’). Mid-America 2013.
Hybridizer:Lois Kennedy
Year Introduced:1984
Bed Location:4H-13
How Obtained:Donated by Iris Society of MN- Arboretum
When Planted:2017-08-06
Standards Color:Yellow
Falls Color:Lavender, edged yellow
Beards Color:Yellow
Bloom Time:Midseason bloom
Award(s):High Commendation 1979, 1981; Honorable Mention 1986; Williamson-White Award 1988.
Bloom Chart 2019:Blooming at NEMMIG on June 3, 2019.
Bloom Chart 2020:In bloom May 27, 2020.
Hybridizer:J. Terry Aitken
Year Introduced:2006
Bed Location:3-61
RIS Rebloom Zone:Rebloomer
How Obtained:Donated by Robin Shadlow at Iris Sisters Farm
When Planted:2017-08-06
Standards Color:Bright pink
Falls Color:Bright pink with fuchsia purple spot
Beards Color:Coral pink
Bloom Time:Midseason to very late bloom
Award(s):Honorable Mention 2008; Award of Merit 2010.
Bloom Chart 2019:Blooming at NEMMIG on May 26, 2019.
Bloom Chart 2020:In bloom May 19, 2020.
Notes from NEMMIG:In bloom May 13, 2021.
Hybridizer:Tom Magee
Year Introduced:1990
Bed Location:11
RIS Rebloom Zone:4
How Obtained:Donated by Iris Society of MN- Arboretum
Standards Color:Pale Blue
Falls Color:Ivory with light violet plicata pattern on edge
Beards Color:Henna
PBF:Has light color at base of leaves.
Bloom Time:Early Bloom
Award(s):Honorable Mention 1992; Award of Merit 1994; Wister Medal 1997.
Hybridizer:George Sutton
Year Introduced:2004
Bed Location:3-23
RIS Rebloom Zone:5
How Obtained:Donated by Mike Sutton at Sutton's Iris Gardens
When Planted:2017-08-06
Standards Color:Rhodonite red (RHS 51D)
Falls Color:Pale orient pink (36D)
Beards Color:Wisteria blue (92B)
Styles - Style Arms:Rhodonite red (RHS 51D)
Fragrance:Slight sweet
Bloom Time:Early midseason bloom and rebloom
Bloom Chart 2019:Blooming at NEMMIG May 17-26, 2019.
Notes from NEMMIG:In bloom May 13, 2021.
Hybridizer:Alta Brown
Year Introduced:1974
Bed Location:4H-03
How Obtained:Donated by Nancy McDonald at HIPS
When Planted:2018-08-15
Standards Color:Yellow
Falls Color:Yellow
Beards Color:yellow
Bloom Time:Midseason
Hybridizer:Richard Tasco
Year Introduced:2006
Bed Location:1
RIS Rebloom Zone:Rebloomer
How Obtained:Donated by Iris Society of MN- Arboretum
When Planted:2017-08-06
Standards Color:Sky Blue
Falls Color:Sky Blue with slightly lighter centers
Beards Color:White, tipped golden yellow in middle and throat
Fragrance:Slight Sweet Fragrance
PBF:None noted in 2017
Bloom Time:Mid season
Award(s):Honorable Mention 2008, Award of Merit 2010; Wister Medal 2013.
Bloom Chart 2017:Bloomed June 2-21, in 2017 at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum.
Notes from NEMMIG:In bloom May 26, 2021
Hybridizer:Harley Briscoe
Year Introduced:1984
Bed Location:9
How Obtained:Donated by Jack Worel, ISM
When Planted:8/27/2017
Hybridizer:Helen Doriot
Year Introduced:1956
Bed Location:2
How Obtained:Purchased from HIPS sale
When Planted:2017-08-06
Standards Color:Blue-lavender, edges flushed deeper.
Falls Color:Blue-lavender border, with a spot pattern of brown.
Beards Color:Purple, yellow and lavender, appearing parrot-green.
Height:15 1/4"
Award(s):Honorable Mention 1957
Bloom Chart 2019:In bloom May 26, 2019 at NEMMIG.
Notes from NEMMIG:In bloom May 13, 2021.
Hybridizer:Dorothy & Anthony Willott
Year Introduced:1980
Bed Location:10
How Obtained:Donated by Tim and Gerry Moore, ISM
Standards Color:White, slightly tinted blue
Falls Color:Light blue (RHS 104D)
Beards Color:Pale blue
Bloom Time:Midseason to Late
Award(s):High Commendation 1980; Honorable Mention 1983; 2nd Vienna 1985; Award of Merit 1986; Caparne-Welch Medal 1989.
Bloom Chart 2019:Blooming May 11-14, 2019, at NEMMIG.
Year Introduced:1987
Bed Location:2
How Obtained:Donated by Iris Society of MN- Arboretum
Standards Color:Flax blue with a white midrib
Falls Color:Flax blue with chalk white center
Beards Color:White (Not noted in registration: beards are tipped Yellow-Orange in the throat)
PBF:None noted
Bloom Time:Early Midseason
Bloom Chart 2017:Bloomed May 29 - June 13, 2017.
Hybridizer:Chad Harris
Year Introduced:2009
Bed Location:7
How Obtained:Donated by Mt. Pleasant Iris Farm
When Planted:8/27/2017
Hybridizer:Walter Welch
Year Introduced:1973
Bed Location:2
How Obtained:Donated by Tim and Gerry Moore, ISM
When Planted:8/27/2017
Hybridizer:Robert Schreiner
Year Introduced:1937
Bed Location:4B-10
How Obtained:Donated by Nancy McDonald at HIPS
When Planted:2017-08-06
AIS Color Class:B1L
Bloom Time:Extra early bloom
Bloom Chart 2019:In bloom May 29, 2019 at NEMMIG.
Bloom Chart 2020:In bloom May 19, 2020.
Notes from NEMMIG:In bloom May 15, 2021.
Hybridizer:Jack Worel
Year Introduced:2008
Bed Location:4W-19
How Obtained:Donated by George Bacon at Breezeway Iris Gardens
When Planted:2017-08-06
Standards Color:Bright raspberry with slightly darker veins
Falls Color:Slightly darker bright raspberry
Beards Color:Orange, light raspberry at end
Styles - Style Arms:Raspberry, edged tinted light orange
Fragrance:Slightly sweet
Hafts:Veined light orange over cream
AIS Color Class:RHS 74C
Bloom Time:Midseason
Notes from NEMMIG:In bloom May 26, 2021.
Hybridizer:George Sutton
Year Introduced:1997
Bed Location:4
How Obtained:Donated by Mike Sutton at Sutton's Iris Gardens
When Planted:9/10/2017
Hybridizer:John Forbes
Year Introduced:1882
Bed Location:2-13
How Obtained:Purchased from HIPS sale
When Planted:2017-08-06
AIS Color Class:B3M
Bloom Time:Midseason
Notes from NEMMIG:Blooming 5/26/2021.
Hybridizer:Chad Harris
Year Introduced:2010
Bed Location:7
How Obtained:Donated by Mt. Pleasant Iris Farm
When Planted:8/27/2017
Hybridizer:Carol Lankow
Year Introduced:1987
Bed Location:4H-06
How Obtained:Purchased from HIPS sale
When Planted:2017-08-06
Standards Color:Coral Orange
Falls Color:Coral Orange
Beards Color:White beard tipped tangerine orange
AIS Color Class:RHS 80C
PBF:None noted
Bloom Time:Midseason
Award(s):Exhibition Certificate 1986; Honorable Mention 1989; Award of Merit 1991; Sass Medal 1994.
Bloom Chart 2017:Bloomed May 16-28, 2017.
Bloom Chart 2019:Blooming at least from May 29 thru June 3, 2019, at NEMMIG.
Hybridizer:Farron Campbell
Year Introduced:1998
Bed Location:5
How Obtained:Donated by Plantation Iris
When Planted:8/5/2017
Standards Color:dark red violet
Falls Color:dark red violet, slight silver halo and green crest on all petals
Halo:Slight Silver
Styles - Style Arms:Red violet
Bloom Time:Early midseason
Hybridizer:Tim Stanek
Year Introduced:2000
Bed Location:11
RIS Rebloom Zone:Rebloomer
How Obtained:Donated by Robin Shadlow at Iris Sisters Farm
Hybridizer:Michael Sutton
Year Introduced:2012
Bed Location:11
RIS Rebloom Zone:5
How Obtained:Donated by Mike Sutton at Sutton's Iris Gardens
Standards Color:White
Falls Color:White blended and marbled blue
Beards Color:Yellow, hairs white tipped yellow
Styles - Style Arms:White
Fragrance:Pronounced sweet fragrance.
Bloom Time:Early, midseason, late and rebloom.
Bloom Chart 2019:Blooming at NEMMIG in 2019.
Hybridizer:Ben Hager
Year Introduced:1990
Bed Location:11
RIS Rebloom Zone:3
How Obtained:Donated by Mike Sutton at Sutton's Iris Gardens
When Planted:9/10/2017
Hybridizer:Ken Mohr
Year Introduced:1977
Bed Location:10
RIS Rebloom Zone:9
How Obtained:Donated by George Bacon at Breezeway Iris Gardens
When Planted:8/5/2017
Hybridizer:Chuck Chapman
Year Introduced:2000
Bed Location:3-62
RIS Rebloom Zone:3
How Obtained:Donated by Marte Hult, ISM
When Planted:2017-08-06
Standards Color:Purple
Falls Color:Purple
Beards Color:Purple
Height:13", often taller during rebloom (22")
Bloom Time:Early and rebloom
Bloom Chart 2019:Blooming at NEMMIG on May 26, 2019. Also bloomed August 4th and 11th, September 3rd, and October 5th, 2019.
Bloom Chart 2020:In bloom May 19, 2020.
Notes from NEMMIG:In bloom May 13, 2021.
Hybridizer:Hans Peter Sass
Year Introduced:1926
Bed Location:3
RIS Rebloom Zone:Rebloomer
How Obtained:Purchased from HIPS sale
AIS Color Class:W1
Bloom Time:Early bloom and rebloom
Bloom Chart 2019:Blooming at NEMMIG May 29, 2019.
Hybridizer:Michael Sutton
Year Introduced:2008
Bed Location:11
RIS Rebloom Zone:4
How Obtained:Donated by Mike Sutton at Sutton's Iris Gardens
When Planted:9/10/2017
Standards Color:Dark violet (RHS 86A)
Falls Color:Dark violet (RHS 86A)
Beards Color:Ice white, pale yellow in throat
Fragrance:Pronounced fragrance
Bloom Time:Midseason late bloom and rebloom
Year Introduced:2006
Bed Location:4S
How Obtained:Donated by Liz Schmidt at Schreiner's Iris Gardens
When Planted:8/27/2017
Standards Color:Orange apricot (RHS 24C)
Falls Color:Orange apricot (21C), yellow at center
Beards Color:Tangerine
Bloom Time:Midseason late bloom
Award(s):Honorable Mention 2009
Hybridizer:Michael Sutton
Year Introduced:2010
Bed Location:11
RIS Rebloom Zone:9
How Obtained:Donated by Mike Sutton at Sutton's Iris Gardens
Standards Color:Primrose veined white, slight white edge.
Falls Color:White with 1/2" red-purple, yellow and brown rim.
Beards Color:White tipped yellow
Fragrance:Slight spicy fragrance
Bloom Time:Midseason late and rebloom.
Bloom Chart 2019:Bloomed at NEMMIG in 2019.
Hybridizer:John Weiler
Year Introduced:1993
Bed Location:11
RIS Rebloom Zone:4
How Obtained:Donated by Jack Worel, ISM
Standards Color:White, shot, stippled and edged rosy lavender.
Falls Color:White, edged rosy lavender.
Beards Color:Pale yellow
Fragrance:Slight Sweet Fragrance
Bloom Time:Early Mid-season and rebloom
Bloom Chart 2017:Bloomed May 17-28, 2017 at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum.
Bloom Chart 2019:Bloomed at NEMMIG in 2019.
Hybridizer:Vincent Christopherson
Year Introduced:2003
Bed Location:11
RIS Rebloom Zone:Rebloomer
How Obtained:Donated by Robin Shadlow at Iris Sisters Farm
When Planted:8/5/2017
Standards Color:Wine red
Falls Color:Darker velvety wine red, lighter wine red rim
Beards Color:Mustard with a short, upturned white horn
Styles - Style Arms:Style arms wine red
Bloom Time:Midseason bloom and rebloom
Year Introduced:1994
Bed Location:4S
How Obtained:Donated by Iris Society of MN- Arboretum
Standards Color:Orange
Falls Color:Orange
Beards Color:Tangerine
AIS Color Class:RHS 23A
PBF:None noted
Bloom Time:Mid Season Late
Award(s):Honorable Mention 1996.
Bloom Chart 2017:Bloomed May 31 - June 6, 2017 at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum.
Hybridizer:Larry Lauer
Year Introduced:2005
Bed Location:3
How Obtained:Donated by Tim and Gerry Moore, ISM
When Planted:8/27/2017
Hybridizer:Lloyd Zurbrigg
Year Introduced:1979
Bed Location:3-01
RIS Rebloom Zone:3
How Obtained:Purchased from HCMG sale
When Planted:2017-08-06
Standards Color:Light yellow self
Falls Color:Light yellow with small white spot
Beards Color:Yellow in the throat fading out to cream at the tip.
PBF:None noted
Bloom Time:Early bloom and rebloom
Award(s):Honorable Mention 1981; Award of Merit 1986; Cook-Douglas Medal 1989
Bloom Chart 2017:Bloomed May 1-16, 2017 at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum.
Bloom Chart 2019:Bloomed at NEMMIG on May 25, 2019.
Notes from NEMMIG:In bloom May 13, 2021.
Year Introduced:2006
Bed Location:4S
How Obtained:Donated by Liz Schmidt at Schreiner's Iris Gardens
When Planted:8/27/2017
Hybridizer:Paul Black
Year Introduced:2007
Bed Location:3-56
How Obtained:Donated by Tim and Gerry Moore, ISM
When Planted:2017-08-06
Standards Color:Warm buff pink heavily infused orchid in center
Falls Color:Buff pink, white area around beard, dark brown haft veins, dark orchid plicata band narrower at distal edge, narrow mauve rim, variable plicata marking over center.
Beards Color:White tipped bright orange.
Styles - Style Arms:Medium coral pink
Fragrance:Pronounced sweet fragrance.
Bloom Time:Early to midseason
Bloom Chart 2019:Blooming at NEMMIG May 29, 2019.
Notes from NEMMIG:In bloom May 15th, 2021.
Hybridizer:Chuck Chapman
Year Introduced:1999
Bed Location:3
How Obtained:Donated by Tim and Gerry Moore, ISM
When Planted:8/27/2017
Hybridizer:Eleanor McCown
Year Introduced:1982
Bed Location:4H-14
How Obtained:Donated by Jack Worel, ISM
When Planted:2017-08-06
Standards Color:Violet (RHC 1 Opb 4/10) lightly streaked pale yellow
Falls Color:Strong violet bordering orange yellow signal, veined brownish purple
Bloom Time:Midseason
Award(s):Honorable Mention 1984.
Notes from NEMMIG:In bloom June 9, 2021.
Hybridizer:W.E. Fryer
Year Introduced:1919
Bed Location:4H
How Obtained:Donated by Nancy McDonald at HIPS
When Planted:8/27/2017
Hybridizer:Patrick O'Connor
Year Introduced:1994
Bed Location:5
How Obtained:Donated by Plantation Iris
When Planted:8/5/2017
Bloom Time:Early midseason
Hybridizer:Mary Dunn
Year Introduced:1989
Bed Location:5
How Obtained:Donated by Plantation Iris
When Planted:8/5/2017
Bloom Time:Midseason
Award(s):Honorable Mention 1993; Award of Merit 1995; DeBaillon Medal 1998.
Hybridizer:Paul Black
Year Introduced:2013
Bed Location:3-04
RIS Rebloom Zone:Rebloomer
How Obtained:Donated by Robin Shadlow at Iris Sisters Farm
When Planted:2017-08-06
Standards Color:Pale buff-pink, mid red-violet plicata stitched edge, random dotting over center, dark purple-black midrib
Falls Color:Buff-cream, widely spaced purple-black eye lash lines along beards extending 3/4 way down falls
Beards Color:Red-orange in throat, mid-orange in middle, white ends, hairs based white
Styles - Style Arms:Style arms red-grape crest and midrib, light rose edge
Hafts:Grape sanding on outer edge of haft
Bloom Time:Early to midseason bloom and rebloom.
Award(s):Honorable Mention 2015, Award Of Merit 2017.
Bloom Chart 2019:Bloomed at NEMMIG.
Notes from NEMMIG:In bloom May 15, 2021.
Hybridizer:Sterling Innerst
Year Introduced:1988
Bed Location:6
How Obtained:Donated by Tatiana Allen, ISM
Standards Color:Black
Falls Color:Black
Beards Color:Black beard tipped bronze
Fragrance:Slight fragrance
Bloom Time:Midseason
Award(s):Honorable Mention 1991; Award of Merit 1993; President's Cup 1995; Wister Medal 1995; American Dykes Medal 1996.
Year Introduced:1936
Bed Location:4H-04
How Obtained:Purchased from HIPS sale
When Planted:2017-08-06
AIS Color Class:Color Class S7L
Bloom Time:Midseason
Bloom Chart 2019:Blooming at NEMMIG, June 4, 2019.
Bloom Chart 2020:In bloom May 27th, 2020.
Notes from NEMMIG:In bloom May 26, 2020.
Hybridizer:Bernice Miller/ R. Richards
Year Introduced:2000
Bed Location:1
RIS Rebloom Zone:7
How Obtained:Donated by Robin Shadlow at Iris Sisters Farm
When Planted:8/5/2017
Year Introduced:1988
Bed Location:4S
RIS Rebloom Zone:3
How Obtained:Donated by Liz Schmidt at Schreiner's Iris Gardens
Standards Color:Light wisteria blue (HCC 640/3)
Falls Color:Moorish blue (739)
Beards Color:Old gold
Bloom Time:Early bloom and rebloom
Bloom Chart 2017:Was blooming on Sept. 11, 2017.
Bloom Chart 2019:Bloomed at NEMMIG.
Year Introduced:2014
Bed Location:4S
How Obtained:Donated by Iris Society of MN- Arboretum
When Planted:8/27/2017
Hybridizer:Chad Harris
Year Introduced:2000
Bed Location:7
How Obtained:Donated by Mt. Pleasant Iris Farm
When Planted:8/27/2017
Hybridizer:Harold Stahly
Year Introduced:1984
Bed Location:10
RIS Rebloom Zone:Rebloomer
How Obtained:Purchased from Blue J Iris
When Planted:8/5/2017
Award(s):HM '86 AM '()
Hybridizer:Frank Chowning
Year Introduced:1980
Bed Location:5
How Obtained:Donated by George Bacon at Breezeway Iris Gardens
Standards Color:Blue-black self
Falls Color:Blue-black self
Signal:Narrow gold line
AIS Color Class:RHS 103A
Bloom Time:Late
Award(s):Honorable Mention 1982; Award of Merit 1986; DeBaillon Medal 1989
Bloom Chart 2019:In bloom June 29, 2019, at NEMMIG.
Hybridizer:Paul Black
Year Introduced:2013
Bed Location:3-06
RIS Rebloom Zone:Rebloomer
How Obtained:Donated by Robin Shadlow at Iris Sisters Farm
When Planted:2017-08-06
Standards Color:Bronze-dark-purple with purple-black midrib and textured veins
Falls Color:Red-black, hafts slightly lighter, veined white
Beards Color:Mid greyed gold in throat, light greyed gold in middle, white end.
Styles - Style Arms:Style arms mid blue-purple crests and midribs, rose-silver edge
Hafts:Slightly lighter red-black, veined white.
Bloom Time:Late bloom and Rebloom
Bloom Chart 2019:Blooming at Nemmig on May 21, 2019
Notes from NEMMIG:In bloom May 13, 2021.