Iris Catalogue
An exhaustive collection of Irises exhibited by NEMMIG.
‘Beetlejuice’ – (Paul Black, R. 2013) Seedling #Q80F. MDB, 7.5 (19 cm). Early to midseason bloom and rebloom. Standards pale buff-pink, mid red-violet plicata stitched edge, random dotting over center, dark purple-black midrib; style arms red-grape crest and midrib, light rose edge; falls buff-cream, widely spaced purple-black eye lash lines along beards extending 3/4 way down falls, grape sanding on outer edge of haft; beards red-orange in throat, mid-orange in middle, white ends, hairs based white; slight sweet fragrance. ‘Chart’ X ‘Kaching’. Mid-America 2013. Honorable Mention 2015, Award Of Merit 2017.
Iris Type:
Paul BlackYear Introduced:
2013Bed Location:
3-04RIS Rebloom Zone:
RebloomerHow Obtained:
Donated by Robin Shadlow at Iris Sisters FarmWhen Planted:
2017-08-06Standards Color:
Pale buff-pink, mid red-violet plicata stitched edge, random dotting over center, dark purple-black midribFalls Color:
Buff-cream, widely spaced purple-black eye lash lines along beards extending 3/4 way down fallsBeards Color:
Red-orange in throat, mid-orange in middle, white ends, hairs based whiteStyles - Style Arms:
Style arms red-grape crest and midrib, light rose edgeHeight:
Grape sanding on outer edge of haftBloom Time:
Early to midseason bloom and rebloom.Award(s):
Honorable Mention 2015, Award Of Merit 2017.Bloom Chart 2019:
Bloomed at NEMMIG.Notes from NEMMIG:
In bloom May 15, 2021.